Is it easy to get a uber in dallas at 2 am
Is it easy to get a uber in dallas at 2 am

What time is bar close in Dallas? In Atlanta bar closing rush started at 2am and would carry into 3am. I could probably gotten another $100 if I pushed through the drunk scene at the rate things were moving but I got trapped by Elm Street and was not thrilled at the prospect of bar closing in that area. I did get two trips on DF on the way home. I called it a night at 11:30, I dont have seat covers yet and wasnt going to risk the drunk crowd yet. I made $227 that night on Uber alone, lyft wasnt that much more but it contibuted a few bucks and got $10 in cash tips. I got an XL 45+ from fort worth to downtown Dallas last sat, then stayed in downtown for the night. Some are short but then I'll get a ping that takes me into downtown Fort worth.

is it easy to get a uber in dallas at 2 am

My area doesnt have many Uber or Lyft drivers so I'll usually get pings from my house.

is it easy to get a uber in dallas at 2 am

Just gotta feel your area, its best if you dont have to go anywhere to start driving. 4th was one of my better days I got over $120 between U/L but I didnt drive too long.

Is it easy to get a uber in dallas at 2 am